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Surgical Light COMEN L6
Surgical Light COMEN L6
Surgical Light COMEN L6
Surgical Light COMEN L6
Surgical Light COMEN L6

Surgical Light COMEN L6

High standards in safety and excellent illumination wherever they are used. Outstanding features, functional design, and lightweight construction help you deliver exceptional performance and the best possible care.



Each surgery has different lighting requirements. L6 Surgical Light meets the high standards of critical surgeries by providing different luminances, low radiant energy, and shadow control. In the operating room, it is essential that the lighting conditions are optimal so the medical team can visualize their work with uncompromising precision.

Why should you buy?

Brightness Adjustment

It allows to regulate the intensity of light in 5 levels. Easy to adapt to any different surgery conditions and medical requirements.

Color temperature setting (ºK)

Each surgery requires special lighting, the lamp provides warm and cool white LED light in 5 levels, to allow the flexibility to adjust color temperature as needed.

Illumination field

Allows to choose between round, horizontal elliptical and vertical elliptical modes. Suitable for working on narrow and deep wounds.


Thanks to the new generation of OSRAM polychromatic LED medical light bulbs of German origin, it provides constant, stable illumination with low infrared radiation.

Endoscopic Surgery Mode

The optical parameters are automatically adjusted to the appropriate numerical values for these interventions.

Shadow Sensor

Avoid direct lighting on surgeons to help them focus on their work, reducing heat pressure. In addition, it provides constant illumination in the surgical field independently, eliminating unwanted cast shadows.