Envío Gratis en compras superiores a $70.000

Agrega $10.000 para tu Envío Gratis


Safety and comfort for the little ones.
Electric bed designed to withstand intensive care procedures in pediatric patients. Providing staff with greater efficiency and ease of handling.
Why should you buy?

One year warranty:
We aim to a long-term commercial relationship. For your peace of mind, we enjoy to extend an uncompromised and most comprehensive warranty on the market.

Efficient solution: what services are we targeting?:
Designed for medical applications, home care, intensive pediatric care units.

5 movements:
Electric operations, providing efficiency and ease of use. Back-rest, knee-rest, trendelenburg, reverse trendelenburg, height adjustment.

Folding bed rail:
Easy access to the patient.

ABS Material
Plastic material can be sterilized at 100ºC and up to 30MPa.
Agility in the processes
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