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Envío Gratis en compras superiores a $70.000
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Surgical light L5 is able to provide a specialized surgical lighting solution for different surgeries such as heart, orthopedics, endoscopy, spine, obstetrics and gynecology operations. Doctors are allowed to customize the setup illuminance, spot and other parameters according to the characteristics of the operation.
They meet different requirements from different surgeries. Bright Mode, Normal Mode and Endoscopic Mode.
It’s easier for surgeons to distinguish the tissues and organs as well as bones.
We aim to a long-term commercial relationship. For your peace of mind, we enjoy to extend an uncompromised and most comprehensive warranty on the market.
It avoids direct lighting on the surgeons to help them focus on their work.
L5 adopts adaptive lighting technology, the surgical light will automatically adapt to the distance of the wound and always a eternal illuminance.
V7 Leex series infusion pumps offer a safe and precise solution to different clinical treatments. A simple-to-use digital interface, […]
LEEX AX400 / AX500 was designed following the requirements of ergonomics, functionality, safety, and efficiency. Conditions that help the […]
Models adapted to each of health care needs. Contributing to the best clinical performance thanks to cutting-edge technology solutions. […]