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LEEX B6/ B8 incubators provide the right environment for premature babies’ health care. Our incubators help create an individualized microclimate where thermoregulation and the right light and sound levels work together to care for the newborn in a safe and stable, nurturing way.
Why should you buy?

Digital Scale (Optional)
It takes measurements of the baby's weight without the need to expose it to changes in temperature, helping it to rest.

Double Wall and Air Curtain
Maintain constant temperature control in the hood and help the infant keep their

LEEX One year warranty:
We aim to a long-term commercial relationship. For your peace of mind, we enjoy to extend an uncompromised and most comprehensive warranty on the market.

Active Humidification
Reduce the dehydration of the infant due to insensitive losses (skin and respiratory tract), protects the skin of the newborn, prevents weight loss and reduces the risks of infection.

Digital Mattress Pitch
Allows digital control of the Trendelmburg (head, down) or antiTrendelmburg (head up) position. This function helps the infant to drain phlegm or mucus, decrease reflux, and improve oxygenation in neonates with respiratory distress undergoing mechanical ventilation.

Assisted Oxygenation (Optional)
It accompanies the treatment of respiratory difficulties and assists the baby's lung development.

8-inch LED backlit touch screen
Touch panel angle and height all-round adjustable, large font display, convenient for medical personnel to operate and monitor newborns.

Vital Signs Monitoring (Optional for B6 - Standard for B8)
Follow the baby's progress by monitoring through curves and vital sign values such as ECG, SPO2, PNI, RESP and CO2.

Precise Temperature
Protects the safety of the infant through an optimal temperature system. Maintains constant temperature by using 7 measurement channels and 3 independent heat limit protections.

Lifting Stand
Lifting stand adjust mattress height to optimized height for
each staf

Efficient solution: what services are we targeting?:
Intensive neonatal care unit and delivery rooms.
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