Envío Gratis en compras superiores a $70.000

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F3 is a comprehensive solution that accompanies each stage of pregnancy.


F3 fetal monitor specially designed for patient care before and during labor.

F3 series is designed with and 5.6″ in-built digital screen, an ideal feature within the obstetrics service.
This line allows you to monitor with curves and values of the fetal heart rate (FHR), uterine contractions (TOCO), manual and automatic fetal movements (MFM and AFM). It has an exclusive CTG analysis function that allows obtaining a numerical interpretation of the tracing.
Information from the direct fetal heart rate (FDHR) and intrauterine pressure (IUP), is also included.

Why should you buy?

CTG analysis function

It offers an objective look at the results detected in the patient that is complemented by the visual evaluation of the doctor. Helps prevent problems due to non-recognition of abnormal patterns on the CTG, miscommunication and delay in making an appropriate decision.

Three year warranty:

We aim to a long-term commercial relationship. For your peace of mind, we enjoy to extend an uncompromised and most comprehensive warranty on the market.

Other Advantages

The equipment has a high quality speaker and water resistant transducers.


It is a reliable tool for doctors by allowing the recording and review of all events that occurred during labor. These data can be downloaded and read on the PC.

Efficient solution: what services are we targeting?:

Intended for non-invasive and invasive monitoring of the fetus during previous controls and during delivery.