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ECG Leex SE1

ECG Leex SE1

SE1 is cardiology-diagnostic equipment with reliable interpretation. Clinical requirements workflow models, specially designed for each professional need.

SKU: 100000000000950175 Categories: ,


Simple application LEEX SE1 electrocardiograph allows recording of one channel.

SE1 line brings you compact, lightweight, and fully digitally designed equipment.
It acquires signals with great accuracy and sensitivity, allowing you to print 1 channel or view the leads on the screen.

Why should you buy?

Three year warranty:

We aim to a long-term commercial relationship. For your peace of mind, we enjoy to extend an uncompromised and most comprehensive warranty on the market.


Enjoy a high-resolution LCD screen, making it easy to preview the signal before recording.


Thanks to its rechargeable battery of great autonomy, it offers the professional a transportable and intensive use equipment.

Second Rhythm Channel

It allows the printing of two simultaneous channels, on the one hand the 12 leads and on the other the rhythm signal of your choice.

Electrical Safety

Rest in the safety of using defibrillation-protected equipment and accessories.

Efficient solution: what services are we targeting?:

Clinics, high-traffic rooms, ambulances, ICU and UCO.